A number of years ago, I got into light graffiti in a big way. It started when I began following artists like light artist Michael Bosanka as well as collaborative light painters Cenci Goepel and Jens Warnecke.

I tried my hand it. After dressing myself from head to foot in black – including a black wool beanie to hide my auburn curls – I headed outside and spent a couple hours spreading L.E.D lights in sequence.

Standing deathly still, wearing heavy black clothes, in the middle of a humid autumn night after several weeks of rain, was less than exciting.

Even less thrill-inviting was the amount of unwelcome guests that made their temporary home on my skin. Every inch of my uncovered skin was covered in mosquito bites, and even some of my covered skin showed signs that the bloodsuckers had strayed into uncharted territory.

But every welt, every itch, every moment of discomfort was more than worth it for the final product. I would do it again in a heartbeat – hopefully with an even greater outcome.

I originally submitted this series into the 2013 Heart of Annandale exhibition and won the Du Moulin Gallery Prize for Digital Art.

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